You can set the size, background, and border of a table inserted in the body.
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Table Task Pane
Background and Border
Specify the background color of a table or cells. Select a color from the Color Palette to fill the background.
Apply borders to a table or cells and change its properties.
Set the border style.
Set the border width.
Set the border color.
Apply to
Select where to apply the border you have specified. Selecting the All Borders icon applies borders to all cells in the table.
Add or delete rows or columns at the cell where the cursor is placed.
Merge cells in the cell block into one or set all cells to the same height or width.
Delete Table
Delete the selected table.
Table Alignment
Specify whether to align the table to the left, center, or right of the current document.
Indent Table Left
Increase or decrease the left indent of the table. This is only availble when Align Left under Table Alignment.
Align Table Text
Specify whether to align the cell content to the top, center, or bottom.
Cell Margins
Specify the inside margins of the cell.