You can enter various characters and symbols by using a table. You can easily insert symbols and characters that are hard to insert with the keyboard.
Insert characters and symbols
To insert characters and symbols:
- Click Insert-Symbol.
- Select the type of symbols in the Symbol dialog box.
- Click a symbol you want to insert in the document.
- Click Insert.
More Information
Symbol Dialog Box
Character Domain
Select the domain that the required character belongs to.
Display a list of characters that are included in the selected domain from the Character Domain list.
Recent Text
Display the recently used characters. If you are using the Symbol dialog box for the first time, the Recently Used area displays no characters because there are no previously used characters.
Input Text
Display the character selected from the Characters list. You can also select multiple characters to display.
Insert Button
Insert the selected character(s) into the document. You can also add multiple characters from the Insert Text area and insert it into the edit window at once.